Thursday, December 29, 2005

Chloe's Mom

The phone rang, and I picked it up. The person on the other end said: "Is this Chloe's Mom?" It was the doctor's office calling to confirm her appointment.

When I hung up the phone, it hit me. I am Chloe's Mom. I remember when I was young and my friends' parents were known as "Jenelle's Mom" or "Mary's Mom". At the time, I didn't even know they had real names. My Chloe is just 6 months old. I thought I would have at least a couple of years, when her friends could talk, before I had to answer to "Chloe's Mom".

That got me thinking. Jenelle's mom was cool. She was at all the school functions, and was a friend to all of us kids. And Mary's mom? Not so much. She was strict and we were all afraid of her. Who is Chloe's Mom?

One look at my closet, and you'd know that Chloe's mom is not the "cool" mom. I just replaced my GAP jeans circa 1999 with a new model. It's got the updated color and style, but seeing as I still view myself as 9 months pregnant, I bought them a size too big and three inches too long. Definitely not cool.

I don't think I'll be the mean mom. I want Chloe to be popular and have lots of friends. And there is something to be said about being the mom at the "fun" house where all the kids want to come over and play. So, at the very least, we'll have fun toys, cool art projects, and if all else fails, I'll stock good snacks in the pantry. Maybe there is hope for me yet. By the time Chloe and her friends are old enough to care what kind of jeans I am wearing, she'll be able to help me shop for them. And that should be good timing. My new jeans will need replacing right about then!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

T's Ordinary Blog

One of my new year's resolutions is to write more. So comes the blog. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

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