Sunday, January 07, 2007


By now, most everyone knows, I am pregnant! And, as a bonus, my body is busy making two babies, not one. Martin and I are going to be outnumbered in just 5 short months - two newborns and an almost 2 year old. We are thrilled, albeit a bit overwhelmed. OK, a lot overwhelmed.

This explains my absence from the blog. Between puking, headaches, and sleeping, I haven't had much to say. Well, actually, I have had plenty to say, but I learned a long time ago that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!

Happy to say now though that the all day/night sickness is abating some, and I am able to head to the grocery store without barf bags. Well, I still carry them, but haven't had to use one for at least a week. I even cut the Zofran dosage in half this weekend, and so far, all is well.

So, as I was saying, we are going to be outnumbered. Martin and I hadn't imagined our life that way. Now I can't imagine it any other way. The logistics are certainly overwhelming. We'll need a new car to fit three car seats. We will grow out of our house much more quickly. We will need to boost that college savings. But, when I see Chloe dancing around and giggling, and I imagine three of them doing that, I just get really excited. Today I ran into an acquaintance I hadn't seen in a long time, and I blurted out "I am pregnant with twins!" I felt like a teenager and kind of silly blurting out the news. It made me realize just how excited I am.

We will be finding out the sexes in a few weeks, so stay tuned. I have a feeling it's a girl and a boy.

Oh, and before you ask:
1. No, twins don't run in the family.
2. They are fraternal.
3. No, I didn't have IVF.

Chloe's 18 month visit

I can't believe it - Chloe is 18 months old. We had her check up this week, and it went well. I love our pediatrician. She is definitely the right match for me. She is very personable and talks and talks every time we see her. She talked for a good 45 minutes, and it all boiled down to this: Chloe is doing great!

Chloe's height and head measurements were off the chart, and her weight was 79th %ile. I honestly don't care the numbers, so long as she stays on her curve. With her limited diet, we've been watching that very closely. So, thanks in large part to the Neocate, she is thriving. She had to get three immunizations. She was very brave and didn't even cry until the third time she was poked. I, on the other hand, was a mess. These are her last shots until age 5, thank goodness. I think they are tougher on me than they are on her.

The doctor asked a few questions re: Chloe's development, including how many words she knows. Honestly, at the time I didn't know. I don't keep track, and I couldn't even venture a guess. My answer was a lot, really, and new ones every day. The doctor didn't say how many she should know, but that got me wondering. I came home and made a list. She has about 75 words that she says regularly. A few more that she parrots when she hears us say them. So what is that - average, above average? It's not something I'll waste the doctor's time about in a follow up call, and certainly not something I can really ask my other mommy friends without appearing to be bragging or competing against their kids. I try not to be that mom, lest I be left without any mommy friends. I am really just curious though. Ah well, I'll just assume she's doing as she should and leave it at that.

All in all it was a good appointment. And, barring any unforseen illness or serious allergic reaction, we don't have to go back for another 6 months.

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