Monday, October 09, 2006
Davy Jones has a new gig.
Chloe loves board books by Sandra Boynton. She has almost all of them, except "Oh My Oh My Oh Dinasaurs", which we can't seem to find anywhere. This morning, we were downtown shopping, and decided to pop into a bookstore to see if they had it. Nope. But they did have a couple I hadn't seen before including "Your Personal Penguin." It looked cute, so I picked it up, and see a note on the front cover that you can download a song to go with the book sung by Davy Jones!
I LOVE Davy Jones. I am a closet Monkees fan. Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag now. I even went to see Davy Jones in concert about 8-9 years ago before a Giants game at Candlestick Park. I made my friend go with me (teasing me the entire way) and we sat there freezing our butts off (if you've ever been to Candlestick park you know what I am talking about) with about 100 other nuts.
Anyway, of course I had to buy the book -- you know, for Chloe and all. And I was so excited all the way home. I fed her lunch, put her down for a nap and immediately downloaded the song. Guess what -- there is a video, too. Ha ha. This is my lucky day.
You can see it here.
Chloe loves board books by Sandra Boynton. She has almost all of them, except "Oh My Oh My Oh Dinasaurs", which we can't seem to find anywhere. This morning, we were downtown shopping, and decided to pop into a bookstore to see if they had it. Nope. But they did have a couple I hadn't seen before including "Your Personal Penguin." It looked cute, so I picked it up, and see a note on the front cover that you can download a song to go with the book sung by Davy Jones!
I LOVE Davy Jones. I am a closet Monkees fan. Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag now. I even went to see Davy Jones in concert about 8-9 years ago before a Giants game at Candlestick Park. I made my friend go with me (teasing me the entire way) and we sat there freezing our butts off (if you've ever been to Candlestick park you know what I am talking about) with about 100 other nuts.
Anyway, of course I had to buy the book -- you know, for Chloe and all. And I was so excited all the way home. I fed her lunch, put her down for a nap and immediately downloaded the song. Guess what -- there is a video, too. Ha ha. This is my lucky day.
You can see it here.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Last night we saw Guster. Guster is my all time favorite band. I saw them for the first time about 7 years ago, and we have gone to see them at every opportunity since (6 times now, I believe). A few years ago, they opened for John Mayer. We stayed for Guster, and left after one song by John Mayer. We were the only ones in the entire place singing along with Guster. At least, it felt that way.
Last night's concert was at the Crystal Ballroom. The main level was split into two sides -- kids and adults. The average age in the under 21 area was about 15. So, we entered the adult area, and took a quick walk around. Very quick. It was like a frat party -- mostly populated by drunk, beer-swilling (and spilling), college students. Not my scene. Thankfully, I was in good company, as Martin is not exactly into crowds either (I know, I know - why go to a concert then). So, we head upstairs to the balcony, which was full of parents waiting for their teenagers downstairs.
"One of these things is not like the others...which one of these things doesn't belong?"
Nevermind...we had a better view from upstairs, so we stayed on the balcony.
When we got there, Nada Surf was playing. They had a couple of good songs, but I was distracted by the guitarist who was chain smoking during the entire performance. Ick.
What I enjoyed even more than the music though, was the scene playing out right in front of us. 40-ish couple that looks like creepy Larry and Chrissy from Three's Company. Her: feathered blonde hair dressed in a polyester leopard print blouse, pink highwaters and tan suede boots. Him: feathered hair, thick chain necklace, jeans, button down shirt. They were clapping off beat as if they were singing along with "Hey Mickey", and displaying some serious affection.
Enter the Desperate Housewives. Two women, also 40-ish walk up and start talking to Creepy Larry. Both are well put together, stylish, pretty. Desperate housewife #1 is flirting with him. I have no idea why. She is beautiful. Him, not so much. It was bizarre. Creepy Larry is eating it up. Chrissy is getting angry. She got the guy in the end though. Go figure.
Guster finally came on, and they were great! They played a lot of their old stuff, including a few of my favorites. I feel like we've watched these guys grow up over the past few years. Their music has changed some as they've brought in more elements to appeal to the mainstream audience. I have to admit I like their older stuff a bit better, but there are a few gems on the new album.
In the end, we had a great evening. We haven't been to a concert since before Chloe, and we had a lot of fun. She had a lot of fun trying on my souvenir t-shirt.

Last night's concert was at the Crystal Ballroom. The main level was split into two sides -- kids and adults. The average age in the under 21 area was about 15. So, we entered the adult area, and took a quick walk around. Very quick. It was like a frat party -- mostly populated by drunk, beer-swilling (and spilling), college students. Not my scene. Thankfully, I was in good company, as Martin is not exactly into crowds either (I know, I know - why go to a concert then). So, we head upstairs to the balcony, which was full of parents waiting for their teenagers downstairs.
"One of these things is not like the others...which one of these things doesn't belong?"
Nevermind...we had a better view from upstairs, so we stayed on the balcony.
When we got there, Nada Surf was playing. They had a couple of good songs, but I was distracted by the guitarist who was chain smoking during the entire performance. Ick.
What I enjoyed even more than the music though, was the scene playing out right in front of us. 40-ish couple that looks like creepy Larry and Chrissy from Three's Company. Her: feathered blonde hair dressed in a polyester leopard print blouse, pink highwaters and tan suede boots. Him: feathered hair, thick chain necklace, jeans, button down shirt. They were clapping off beat as if they were singing along with "Hey Mickey", and displaying some serious affection.
Enter the Desperate Housewives. Two women, also 40-ish walk up and start talking to Creepy Larry. Both are well put together, stylish, pretty. Desperate housewife #1 is flirting with him. I have no idea why. She is beautiful. Him, not so much. It was bizarre. Creepy Larry is eating it up. Chrissy is getting angry. She got the guy in the end though. Go figure.
Guster finally came on, and they were great! They played a lot of their old stuff, including a few of my favorites. I feel like we've watched these guys grow up over the past few years. Their music has changed some as they've brought in more elements to appeal to the mainstream audience. I have to admit I like their older stuff a bit better, but there are a few gems on the new album.
In the end, we had a great evening. We haven't been to a concert since before Chloe, and we had a lot of fun. She had a lot of fun trying on my souvenir t-shirt.