Wednesday, February 28, 2007


As of today, I have been pregnant for 24 weeks.

I usually don't talk in weeks to those who aren't doctors, or who haven't recently had a baby. But forgive me just this once, as 24 weeks is a huge milestone. The babies have officially reached the stage of viability. Don't get me wrong...I'd like to keep them where they are for another 13 weeks, but at this point, every day, every week that passes brings them closer to coming home.

At this point, I am focused on small goals:
28 weeks: This will officially start the third trimester, and is the point at which 90% of babies make it.
32 weeks: The long term health consequences of prematurity go way down.
35 weeks: 50% of twin moms deliver between 35 and 37 weeks, and at this point, at least one of the babies should be released from the hospital with me, and the other might require a short NICU stay.
37 weeks: At some point between 37 and 38 weeks, if I haven't had them yet, the doctor will give them their eviction notice.

Not long now, and we'll be a family of 5. It is going by quickly. We are very excited. The babies are growing as they should, and other than continued morning sickness (thank goodness for Zofran), I am feeling fine. We had an ultrasound a couple of weeks ago. It was amazing watching them move around. We even got to see Baby A kick Baby B in the head. A preview of things to come, I am sure.

We are very excited. Did I say that already? Oh, and it's a BOY and a GIRL!

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